20241013 Genesis 3 – Sin Entered the World
Genesis 1 and 2 communicate a picture of the idyllic Eden and the abundance it provides! Genesis 3 is about how we got from Genesis 2 to where we find ourselves today. This chapter teaches us about the work of the devil, our sin, and its consequences. Genesis 3 also teaches us that amid our deepest heartaches, there is always hope. First, we begin with the Sin in the Garden. This is a definition of sin. Sin is disobeying or not conforming to God’s law in any way (WSC. 14). In Genesis 1-2, God requires that humans would rule over the whole world in God's name. They were called to a relationship of trust which works itself out in obedience. They were forbidden from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because God teaches good and evil. Genesis 3 is about disobedience. It is about a lot more than two people eating a piece of fruit. Their story is our story and our rebellion against God. It is also about our daily struggle with sin and the grief we experienc...