20230528 Malachi 2:1-9 The Worship Disputation, part 2 - Truth
Truth is the correspondence between a statement, belief, or proposition and objective reality. In theory, we want truth. Knowing truth will help us relate to God well and flourish in the world he created. In practice, we are rebellious and reject truth. Our sinful nature struggles to submit to truth that opposes our will. We are manipulative and exploit truth to control others. We have been hurt by Christians or people convinced they were acting in the truth. Handling truth comes with this tension. Truth exists, but we are limited creatures. The pursuits of truth in the Enlightenment and Postmodernity highlight this tension. In the 18th century, the Enlightenment pursued truth. Thinkers sought to establish a rational and objective understanding of truth. They were right to believe that truth exists, and that we can know it. They were wrong to overestimate mankind’s objectivity in handling the truth. In the 20th century, Postmodernism offers a more accurate portrayal of human beings. We...