20231029 Acts 5:17-42 Christian Persecution Part 2
In 2022, 5600 Christians were killed for their faith. More than 2,100 churches were attacked. More than 124,000 Christians were forcibly displaced from their homes because of their faith. Almost 15,000 became refugees. [i] When we live in a prosperous land, we know abundance and safety that relatively few have known in the history of the world. When we think of the technology we use to communicate, or child mortality, life expectancy, and even what it looks like to be poor in the West, we can know that we are some of the most comfortable people who have ever lived. A problem arises. Jesus and the apostles Paul, and Peter promised we would suffer for our faith? If we are not persecuted, why not? Are we doing something wrong? Are we not Christian enough to be persecuted? Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions. Instead of worrying, should we just thank God for the rare peace and prosperity we enjoy in this age? I am not sure, what the full answer is. It might be a bit of both. If we cal...