20240225 Acts 15:1-35 The Jerusalem Council – Clarifying the Gospel
A Christian author wrote, “In the twenty years I’ve been a Christian, I’ve received instruction on and been challenged to read my Bible daily, pray without ceasing, do in-depth Bible study regularly, memorize Scripture, meditate day and night, fellowship with other believers, always be ready to give an answer to the questioning unbeliever, give to missions and to the poor, work as unto the Lord, use my time judiciously, give thanks in all circumstances, serve the Body using my gifts to edify others, keep a clean house as a testimony, practice gracious hospitality, submit to my husband, love and train my children, disciple other women, manage finances as a good steward, involve myself in school and community activities, develop and maintain non-Christian friendship stimulate my mind with careful reading, improve my health through died and exercise, color coordinate my wardrove, watch my posture and “simplify” my life by baking my own bread.” [i] There is a tension we need to hold. All ...